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Swimming lessons


We want the children of Baltų šalelė to grow up healthy and hardy, and our friends –  Swimming Family – are helping us to achieve this.

Children who choose to go to the pool go to weekly training sessions and playfully learn one important skill – swimming. Classes are taught by coaches with many years of experience, who have already taught several thousand children to swim!

English language lessons

Anglų k.

Early foreign language education helps children to absorb new knowledge more easily and to learn naturally and effortlessly

The children at "Baltų šalelė" have a weekly English teacher. She playfully introduces new words and expressions to toddlers who choose this extra activity.

Legal assistance

Tesinė pagalba

Alina Sinicė, the founder of "Baltų šalelė", is a lawyer, so one of our activities is providing legal assistance to families.

Every family faces situations in everyday life that require legal knowledge. Often, when we don't know what the best thing to do in a given situation is, we make decisions based on hunches or on the advice of others who don't have the necessary knowledge.


Please contact the founder of the kindergarten, lawyer Alina, with any questions you may have and we will work together to find the best solution for your situation.

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