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Primary school

Pradinė mokykla

"First of all, both - the little one and the big one must feel physically and spiritually at home, not a passenger, not a nomad. The classroom should be a second home, good, cozy, so that harmony reigns, not the facade, but work. This feeling of home turns into a feeling for the Motherland, with corresponding obligations." (Meilė Lukšienė)

Meilė Lukšienė was one of those who inspired to create such kindergarten and school, where children would grow up surrounded by native culture, closeness, unity and meaning. We believe that the basis of school education should be what each child brings with his nature - culture and creativity.

We invite you to join and together create a school that would educate children who love their Family, their Nation, their Country.

We are waiting for pre-schoolers and elementary school children throughout the year! :)

How do we learn?

Kaip mokysimės?

Our primary school is based on a unique methodology of education based on the culture of the mother tongue, developed over five years and proven by experience. Our goal is to create a learning environment for every child, to bring the community together and to build on strong and innovative educational tools.

Culture and creativity are the cornerstones of our educational methodology; it is important for every child and every family. Our teachers see culture primarily as a positive relationship between each person, each family and the nation as a whole – a virtuous relationship. Culture and creativity are inseparable, because it is through the creative contribution of the peoples who have lived and are living in Lithuania that Lithuanian culture is created, and through culture that human creativity is revealed to nurture it in various forms.

Only culture and creativity allow a child to express themselves, to nurture their unique abilities, and to acquire and master new skills and knowledge. This is crucial for every child's future, for choosing their own path to building a family, choosing the activities they love and achieving their goals.

Learning through experience

Experiential learning is the oldest learning methodology – learning by doing, where the opportunity to experience the meaning of learning content is combined with focused reflection and analysis. Experiential learning is fun for students because it often takes place in unusual environments – often outdoors, in nature.


Environment that nurtures

Children need to feel at home at school, both physically and emotionally: safe, secure, trusting of the people and environment around them, and a sense of comfort and harmony. So our school environment is designed to reflect the well-being of the children. Only then will all the other tools in the environment help to nurture children's creativity, curiosity and activity.

Learning through short- and long-term projects

Through different projects, children learn to set goals and objectives, understand time flow and planning, focus and develop patience through different project scopes. Most importantly, through project activities, children learn from their own and others' experiences, and understand the importance of individual work and responsibility, as well as teamwork.

Integrated and contextual learning

We continue the methodology of educating children in a blend of subjects and competences, which is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about using it, testing it, experiencing it, and relating it to each other, both in the context of the time and the world at large, as well as in the context of the pre-school and pre-primary curriculum. For children, learning should be fun, engaging and motivating, and we use a variety of tools and environments to do this.

Fostering values

Every day, both in our educational process and in our free time with children, we uphold the values of our community and society: respect and kindness to each other, love for our family and the environment. After all, values often help people not only to navigate the world, but also to choose what really matters in it. We value and respect each family's internal culture and worldview, and strive to reflect them and create our own culture in harmony.

Individual and team education

Each child has their own unique abilities, which parents and teachers work together to discover and nurture, and an individual pace of learning, which must be taken into account when adapting personalised learning plans. Learning with others helps you to understand your own and each other's unique abilities, to appreciate them and to channel them into group work. And the most important value of combining individual and teamwork is the message it sends to the child that it is not about competing with others, but about striving to be better than oneself.


Primary education

The cost of education consists of:


  • Formal education 7:30 - 14:00

  • Educational tools

  • Activities throughout holidays

The cost of education – 350 Eur/monthly.

One-time registration fee – 149 Eur.

Extracurricular activities

The price of extracurricular activities includes:


  • Non-formal education 14:00 - 18:00

  • Educational tools

Cost of extracurricular activities – 90 Eur/monthly.

Food payment

Food payment for a child: ​​

Breakfast - 1 Eur/d.

Lunch - 4 Eur/d.

Dinner - 1 Eur/d. 

Vegetarian, vegan, allergy-friendly menus are available.


A permanent 10% discount is available for those who attended Baltų šalelė kindegarten. For the second and other children in the family, there is a permanent 10% discount on the tuition fee and 50% discount on the registration fee.

Let's get in touch

Primary school

Ozas street 37, Vilnius

+370 657 59549

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